Monday, May 7, 2012

hubertedesmar: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Session

hubertedesmar: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Session

This video is a small clip on a counselor helping a woman who is experiencing stress and anxiety about specific life challenges. The counselor is using a popular counseling technique, cognitive behavioral therapy. School Psychologists and guidance counselors often use this counseling technique for students with anxiety disorders and depression. As a school psychology intern, I constantly research and use resources that teach me how to use certain counseling techniques.

Summary of Prensky's Book

I found that Prensky describes important academic concepts that are helpful for educators to use in the classroom. There were several chapters that improved my understanding of how to enhance the education system. I really liked the chapter about teaching with realism and relevancy. As I explained on my chapter blogs, teachers need to introduce concepts to students that they think will be helpful for students to learn in the future. When teachers include class topics that are important for them to learn in life, they students will be motivated to learn and perform well in school. Prensky explains how partnership and collaboration among teachers and students is very important in the education system. Teachers, who believe that interactive activities promote engaging learning, are likely to have success in their teaching experience. In many of the chapters, Prensky describes teachers who use group activities in their lessons because it gives students the opportunity to learn discover the way they feel comfortable learning. When students are given options to learn in the classroom, students' motivation levels also increase. Prensky stresses the importance of teachers utilizing group activities and discussions in the classroom. Teachers may also decide to use technology in their lesson plans as a type of differentiated instructional style. Prensky’s book is a very important resource for teachers who would like to use new teaching methods to improve students’ learning experiences.